
Part I: Foundations and Current Perspectives. Swanson, Harris, Graham, Overview of Foundations, Causes, Instruction, and Methodology in the Field of Learning Disabilities. Hallahan, Mock, A Brief History of the Field of Learning Disabilities. Fletcher, Morris, Lyon, Classification and Definition of Learning Disabilities: An Integrative Perspective. Herr, Bateman, Learning Disabilities and the Law. Kavale, Forness, Learning Disability as a Discipline. Gersten, Baker, English-Language Learners with Learning Disabilities. Zigmond, Searching for the Most Effective Service Delivery Model for Students with Learning Disabilities. Part II: Causes and Behavioral Manifestations. Cutting, Denckla, Attention: Relationships Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities. Bowers, Ishaik, RAN's Contribution to Understanding Reading Disabilities. Siegel, Basic Cognitive Processes and Reading Disabilities. Swanson, Saez, Memory Difficulties in Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities. Geary, Learning Disabilities in Arithmetic: Problem-solving Differences and Cognitive Deficits. Mann, Language Processes: Keys to Reading Disability. Elbaum, Vaughn, Self-concept and Students with Learning Disabilities. Miller, Sanchez, Hynd, Neurological Correlates of Reading Disabilities. Thomson, Raskind, Genetic Influences on Reading and Writing Disabilities. Part III: Effective Instruction. Lovett, Barron, Benson, Effective Remediation of Word Identification and Decoding Difficulties in School-age Children with Reading Disabilities. Williams, Teaching Text Structure to Improve Reading Comprehension. L. S. Fuchs, D. S. Fuchs, Enhancing the Mathematical Problem Solving of Students with Mathematics Disabilities. Graham, Harris, Students with Learning Disabilities and the Process of Writing: A Meta-analysis of SRSD Studies. Berninger, Amtmann, Preventing Written Expression Disabilities through Early and Continuing Assessment and Intervention for Handwriting and/or Spelling Problems: Research into Practice. Scruggs, Mastropieri, Science and Social Studies. Part IV: Formation of Instructional Models. Wong, Harris, Graham, Butler, Cognitive Strategies Instruction Research in Learning Disabilities. Adams, Carnine, Direct Instruction. Jenkins, O'Connor, Cooperative Learning for Students with Learning Disabilities: Evidence from Experiments, Observations, and Interviews. D. S. Fuchs, L. S. Fuchs, McMaster, Al Otaiba, Identifying Children at Risk for Reading Failure: Curriculum-based Measurement and the Dual-discrepancy Approach. Englert, Mariage, The Sociocultural Model in Special Education Interventions: Apprenticing Students in Higher-order Thinking. Part V: Methodology. Abbott, Amtmann, Munson, Exploratory and Confirmatory Methods in Learning Disabilities Research. Schumaker, Deshler, Designs for Applied Educational Research. Speece, The Methods of Cluster Analysis and the Study of Learning Disabilities. S. E. Shaywitz, B. A. Shaywitz, Neurobiological Indices of Dyslexia. MacArthur, What Have We Learned about Learning Disabilities from Qualitative Research?: A Review of Studies.

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