
PREFACE PROFESSIONAL ISSUES The Discipline of Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics Martin G. Helander Preparing and Presenting Evidence in Court Daniel A. Bronstein Presenting Behavioral Science Data as Legal Evidence: Legal Standards that the Ergonomic and Human Factors Expert Needs to Know Allen K. Hess Practical Ethics for the Expert Witness in Ergonomics and Human Factors Forensic Cases Allen K. Hess A Roadmap for the Practice of Forensic Human Factors and Ergonomics William B. Askren and John M. Howard Can Training for Safe Practices Reduce the Risk of Organizational Liability? Katherine A. Wilson, Heather A. Priest, Eduardo Salas, and C. Shawn Burke The Influence of Daubert on Expert Witness Testimony - The Human Factors Context Jone McFadden Papinchock and Frank J. Landy HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN THE LEGAL CONTEXT Reconstructing Situated Performance in Human Error Investigations Sidney W. A. Dekker Causation Issues in Workers' Compensation Roger C. Jensen and Francisco J. Bricio Legal Issues in Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A European Perspective from the U.K. Vincent Kelly and Jason Devereux Age and Functioning in the Legal System: Victims, Witnesses, and Jurors Deborah Davis and Elizabeth F. Loftus Memory for Conversation. Deborah Davis, Markus Kemmelmeier, and William C. Follette DRIVING ENVIRONMENTS Human Factors in Traffic Crashes Rudolf G. Mortimer, Richard D. Blomberg, Gerson J. Alexander, and Evelyn Vingilis Estimating Driver Response Times Jeffrey W. Muttart Pedestrian Injury Issues in Litigation Richard A. Olsen Pedestrian Accidents in Traffic Robert Dewar Commercial Motor Vehicle Collisions Dennis Wylie Human Factors Issues in Motorcycle Collisions P.A. Hancock, T. Oron-Gilad, and D.R. Thom PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE FACTORS Perceptual-Cognitive and Biomechanical Factors in Pedestrian Falls H. Harvey Cohen and Cindy A. LaRue Measurement in Pedestrian Falls Daniel Johnson Balcony Falls Magdalen Galley Preplacement Strength and Capacity Assessment for Manual Materials Handling Jobs Patrick G. Dempsey Identifying the Real Issues in Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders Celine McKeown Exercise Injuries: Human Factors in Fitness Facilities Max Hely PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARNINGS Preventing Accidental Injury: Accountability for Safer Products by Anticipating Product Risks and User Behaviors Stuart M. Statler Human Factors Issues to Be Considered by Product Liability Experts Alison G. Vredenburgh and Ilene B. Zackowitz Products Liability Law: What Engineering Experts Need to Know * Dick Moll Human-Centric Approach to Forensic Analysis for System Liability Gary M. Bakken Product Liability for the Human Factors Practitioner Ron Wardell The Warning Expert Kenneth R. Laughery and Michael S. Wogalter Effectiveness of Consumer Product Warnings: Design and Forensic Considerations Michael S. Wogalter and Kenneth R. Laughery Legibility of Warnings in Color Thomy Nilsson and Murray Kaiserman A Human Factors View of Product Liability and Malpractice Litigation Martin I. Kurke HUMAN FACTORS APPLICATIONS The Impact of Shiftwork on Manufacturing and Transportation Workers Donald I. Tepas Preschoolers, Adolescents, and Seniors: Age-Related Factors Pertaining to Forensic Human Factors Analyses Ilene B. Zackowitz and Alison G. Vredenburgh Sexual Harassment: a Forensic Human Factors Perspective Alison G. Vredenburgh and Ilene B. Zackowitz Health Care Forensics Christopher Nemeth HUMAN FACTORS TERMINOLOGY A Guide to Forensic Human Factors Terminology David A. Thompson, H. Harvey Cohen, Donald P. Horst, Daniel A. Johnson, and Richard A. Olsen INDEX

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