
T.A. Revenson, Introduction. Part 1. Overarching Frameworks and Paradigms. H. Leventhal, S. Bodnar-Deren, J.Y. Breland, J. Hash-Converse, L.A. Phillips, E.A. Leventhal, L.D. Cameron, Modeling Health and Illness Behavior: The Approach of the Common Sense Model. J.R. Jennings, V. Egizio, How Psychophysiology Contributes to Health Psychology. A. Luegey Dougall, A. Baum, Stress, Health and Illness. M.F. Scheier, C.S. Carver, G.H. Armstrong, Behavioral Self-regulation, Health and Illness. K. Glanz, M.C. Kegler, Processes of Health Behavior Change. L.S. Aiken, M.A. Gerend, K.M. Jackson, K.W. Ranby, Subjective Risk and Health Protective Behavior: Prevention and Early Detection. Part 2. Cross-cutting Issues. D. Turk, H.D. Wilson, K.S. Swanson, Psychological and Physiological Bases of Chronic Pain. J. Smyth, J.W. Pennebaker, D. Arigo, What are the Health Effects of Disclosure? T.A. Revenson, S.J. Lepore, Coping in Social Context. M.A. Hoyt, A. Stanton, Adjustment to Chronic Illness. S.I. McClelland, Measuring Sexual Quality of Life: Ten Recommendations for Health Psychologists. J Dunbar-Jacob, E. Schlenk, M. McCall, Patient Adherence to Treatment Regimens. L.M. Martire, R. Schulz, Caregiving and Care-receiving in Later Life: Health Effects and Promising Interventions. Part 3. Risk and Protective Factors. N.E. Grunberg, S. Shafer Berger, A.K. Starosciak, Tobacco Use: Psychology, Neurobiology, and Clinical Implication. R. Wing, S. Phelan, Obesity. G. Brassington, E.B. Hekler, Z. Cohen, A.C. King, Health Enhancing Physical Activity. T.W. Smith, L.C. Gallo, S. Shivpuri, A.L. Brewer, Personality and Health: Current Issues and Emerging Perspectives. C. Park, Meaning, Spirituality, and Growth: Protective and Resilience Factors in Health and Illness. C. Dunkel Schetter, M. Lobel, Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: A Multi-level Analysis of Prenatal Maternal Stress and Birth Weight. T. Wills, M.G. Ainette, Social Networks and Social Support. M.A. Alderfer, C.M. Stanley, Health and Illness in the Context of the Family. Part 4. Macro-level and Structural Influences on Health. V.S. Helgeson, Gender and Health: A Social Psychological Perspective. J.M. Ruiz, C.C. Prather, P. Steffen, Socioeconomic Status and Health. E. Brondolo, S. Lackey, E. Love, Race and Health: Racial Disparities in Hypertension and Links Between Racism and Health. I.H. Meyer, The Health of Sexual Minorities. I. Siegler, M.F. Elias, H.B. Bosworth, Aging and Health. Part 5. Applications of Health Psychology. J.D. Betensky, R.J. Contrada, D.C. Glass, Psychosocial Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Emotional States, Conditions, and Attributes. S.P. Newman, S.P. Hirani, J. Stygall, T. Fteropoulli, Treatment in Cardiovascular Disease. N. Schneiderman, K. Orth-Gomer, Randomized Clinical Trials: Psychosocial-behavioral Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease. L.A. Faul, P.B. Jacobsen, Psychosocial Interventions for People with Cancer. A.L. Marsland, E.A. Bachen, S. Cohen, Stress, Immunity and Susceptibility to Upper Respiratory Infectious Disease. S. Danoff-Burg, A.H. Seawell, Psychological Processes in Rheumatic Disease. M.H. Antoni, A.W. Carrico, Psychological and Bio-behavioral Processes in HIV Disease. V. Mays, R.M. Maas, J. Ricks, S.D. Cochran, HIV and African American Women in the U.S. South: A Social Determinants Approach to Population-level HIV Prevention and Intervention Efforts.

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