
Part I: Basic Issues. M.G. Brogdon, Sr., J.H. Adams, and R. Bahri, Psychology and the Law. W.T. O'Donohue, K. Beitz, and E.R. Levensky, An Introduction to Psychology for Attorneys. M. Lavin, Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology. J.E. Hecker and R.J. Scoular, Forensic Report Writing. Part II: Assessment. L. Eccleston and T. Ward, Assessment of Dangerousness and Criminal Responsibility. R.J. Dempster, Issues in the Assessment, Communication, and Management of Risk for Violence. K. Strosahl, Forensic and Ethical Issues in the Assessment and Treatment of the Suicidal Patient. R. Roesch, J. Viljoen, and I. Hui, Assessing Intent and Criminal Responsibility. J. Skeem, S.L. Golding, and P. Emke-Francis, Assessing Adjudicative Competency: Using Legal and Empirical Principles to Inform Practice. C. Yury, R.A. Gentry, H. LeRoux, J.A. Buchanan, and J.E. Fisher, Assessing Mental Competency in the Elderly. A.R. Bradley, Child Custody Evaluations. M. Fanetti and R. Boles, Forensic Interviewing and Assessment Issues with Children. A. McLearen, C.A. Pietz, and R.L. Denney, Evaluation of Psychological Damages. K. Ferguson, Detecting Malingering in Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluations in Litigants with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. E.V. Gifford, B.S. Kohlenberg, M.M. Piasecki, and E.J. Webber, The Forensic Assessment of Substance Abuse. K. Treadwell and E. Foa, Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Part III: Mental Disorders and Forensic Psychology. S.G. Little, A. Akin-Little, and U.H. Mocniak, Conduct Disorders and Impulse Control in Children. E.M. Cale and S.O. Lilienfeld, What Every Forensic Psychologist Should Know About Psychopathic Personality. T.P. Sbraga, Sexual Deviance and Forensic Psychology: A Primer. S.J. Hucker, Disorders of Impulse Control. W.L. Williams, P.M. Ghezzi, and E. Burkeholder, Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation. Part IV: Special Topics. S. Ghetti, J.M. Schaaf, J. Qin, and G.S. Goodman, Issues in Eyewitness Testimony. A.C. Tsai, S. Morsbach, and E.F. Loftus, In Search of Recovered Memories. E. Martin, A Daubert Testing of Hypnotically Refreshed Testimony in the Criminal Courts. E.M. Oksol and W.T. O'Donohue, A Critical Analysis of the Polygraph. M. Frank and P. Ekman, Nonverbal Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts. C. Avina, A. Bowers, and W.T. O'Donohue, Forensic Issues in Sexual Harassment. S.T. Azar and N. Olson, Legal Issues in Child Abuse and Neglect. E.R. Levensky and A.E. Fruzzetti, Partner Violence: Assessment, Prediction, and Intervention. D. Henderson, D. Varble, and J. Buchanan, Elder Abuse: Guidelines for Treatment. B.R. Johnson, Involuntary Commitment. D. Davis and W.C. Follette, Jurors Can Be Selected: Noninformation, Misinformation and Their Strategic Uses for Jury Selection. M. Mahaffey, Issues of Ethnicity in Forensic Psychology: A Model for Hispanics in the United States. K.A. Brunswig and R. Parham, Psychology in a Secure Setting. R. Otto, Evaluation of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System. D. Davis and W.T. O'Donohue, The Road to Perdition: Extreme Influence Tactics in the Interrogation Room. D. Davis and E.F. Loftus, What's Good for the Goose Cooks the Gander: Inconsistencies Between the Law and Psychology of Voluntary Intoxication and Sexual Assault.

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