
Section A. THEORIES AND CONCEPTS OF EPISODIC MEMORY 1. Characteristics, Development and Functions of Episodic Memory. 1.1 Perspectives on episodic and semantic memory retrieval. 1.2. Exploring episodic memory. 1.3. Episodic memory and mental time travel. 1.4. Episodic memory: reconsolidation. 1.5. The attributes of episodic memory processing. 1.6. The cognitive and neural bases of flashbulb memories. 1.7. From the past into the future: the developmental origins and trajectory or episodic future thinking. 1.8. Emotion and episodic memory. 2. Is Episodic Memory Unique to Humans 2.1. The current status of cognitive time travel research in animals. 2.2. Animal episodic memory. 2.3. A new working definition of episodic memory: replacing AwhenA with AwhichA. 2.4. Episodic-like memory in food-hoarding birds. 2.5. Representing past and future events Section B. THE NEUROBIOLOGY AND NEUROPATHOLOGY OF EPISODIC MEMORY 3. The Neuroanatomy of Episodic Memory. 3.1. Functional neuroanatomy of remote, episodic memory. 3.2. The medial temporal lobe: visual perception and recognition memory. 3.3. Towards a neurobiology of episodic memory. 3.4. Spatio-temporal context and object recognition memory in rodents. 3.5. The role of the prefrontal cortex in episodic memory. 3.6. The basal forebrain and episodic memory. 3.7. The role of the precuneus in episodic memory 3.8. The multiple roles of dopaminergic neurotransmission in episodic memory. 4. The Cellular and Molecular Correlates of Episodic Memory. 4.1. Neural coding of episodic memory. 4.2. The primate hippocampus and episodic memory. 4.3. Hippocampal neuronal activity and episodic memory. 4.4. The hippocampus, context processing and episodic memory. 5. The Effects of Ageing and Disease on Episodic Memory. 5.1. Memory and perceptual impairments in amnesia and dementia. 5.2. Using hippocampal amnesia to understand the neural basis of diencephalic amnesia. 5.3. Structure - Function correlates of episodic memory in aging. 5.4. Memory and cognitive performance in preclinical Alzheimer's Disease and preclinical vascular disease. 5.5. Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and episodic-like memory. 5.6. Episodic memory in the context of cognitive control dysfunction: the case of Huntington's disease. 5.7. Adrenal steroids and episodic memory: relevance to mood disorders.

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