
PART ONE: CONTEXT AND TERMINOLOGIES Themes and Dimensions of EBD - Peter Clough et al A Conceptual Overview International Comparisons in EBD - Margret Winzer Critical Issues Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties - Ted Cole An Historical Perspective Defining Emotional or Behavioural Disorders - Kenneth A Kavale, Steven R Forness and Mark P Mostert The Quest for Affirmation What Do We Mean by 'EBD'? - Gary Thomas The Forgotten 'E' in EBD - Tony Bowers PART TWO: ROOTS AND CAUSES Biology and Behaviour - Paul Cooper The Educational Relevance of a Biopsychosocial Perspective The Influences of the School Contexts and Processes on Violence and Disruption in American Schools - Michael J Furlong, Gale M Morrison and Emily S Fisher The Problem Is Not the Problem - Tim O'Brien and Dennis Guiney Hard Cases in Modernist Systems Academic Underachievement and Behaviour - Tom Nicholson An Axiomatic Link? Juvenile Delinquency and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Education - Paul O'Mahony Television and Viewers' Behaviour - Tony Charlton and Charlie Panting Real or Elusive Links? Racial/Ethnic Representation across Five Public Sectors of Care for Youth with EBD - May Yeh et al Implications for Students in School Settings PART THREE: STRATEGIES AND INTERVENTIONS Working with Children and Young People with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties - John Visser What Makes What Works, Work? Teaching Students with Emotional Behaviour Disorders - Bill Rogers Reducing Problem Behavior through School-Wide Systems of Positive Behaviour Support - Timothy J Lewis and Lori L Newcomer Building School-Wide Behaviour Interventions That Really Work - Bob Algozzine and Kate Algozzine Advocacy for Students with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders - Carl R Smith Voices from the Margins - John Dwyfor Davies The Perceptions of Pupils with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties about Their Educational Experiences Involving Students with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Their Own Learning - Barry Groom and Richard Rose A Transnational Perspective Directions in Teaching Social Skills to Students with Specific EBDs - Helen McGrath The Pupil Support Base in the Scottish Secondary School - Paul Hamill An Alternative to Exclusion PART FOUR: SOME POINTS OF TENSION AND DEVELOPMENT The Gap between Research and Practice - Egide Royer Achieving Effective In-Service Training for Teachers Working with EBD Students Researching a Marginalized Population - Ann Lewis Methodological Issues Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Marjorie Montague and Marcelo Castro Concerns and Issues Do Teacher Training Courses Prepare Us for the Challenge of Students Experiencing EBD? - Christopher Blake How We Prevent the Prevention of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Education - James M Kauffman

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