
Hand joints-based gesture recognition using a neural network provides excellent performance in hand gesture recognition. However, during the collection of sequential skeletal datasets, joints identification through hand pose estimations usually includes noise and even errors, which often diminish the accuracy of gesture recognition. To promote the availability of hand gesture recognition for such noisy datasets, this paper presents a nested interval unscented Kalman filter (UKF) with long short-term memory (NIUKF-LSTM) network to improve the accuracy of hand gesture recognition from noisy datasets. This nested interval method with the UKF changes the distribution of the sigma points based on two sampling intervals. By considering the information of previous frames, the nested interval method helps the NIUKF-LSTM network revise the noise in the sequential hand skeletal data and improve the recognition accuracy. The experimental results showing the removal of noisy skeletal data from the dynamic hand gesture dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our NIUKF-LSTM network, which achieves better performance than do other state-of-the-art methods.

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