
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of donor muscle morphology following tendon harvest in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction on muscular support of the tibiofemoral joint during sidestep cutting. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to measure peak cross-sectional area (CSA) and volume of the semitendinosus (ST) and gracilis (GR) muscles and tendons (bilaterally) in 18 individuals following ACL reconstruction. Participants performed sidestep cutting tasks in a biomechanics laboratory during which lower-limb electromyography, ground reaction loads, whole-body motions were recorded. An EMG driven neuro-musculoskeletal model was subsequently used to determine force from 34 musculotendinous units of the lower limb and the contribution of the ST and GR to muscular support of the tibiofemoral joint based on a normal muscle-tendon model (Standard model). Then, differences in peak CSA and volume between the ipsilateral/contralateral ST and GR were used to adjust their muscle-tendon parameters in the model followed by a recalibration to determine muscle force for 34 musculotendinous units (Adjusted model). The combined contribution of the donor muscles to muscular support about the medial and lateral compartments were reduced by 52% and 42%, respectively, in the adjusted compared to standard model. While the semimembranosus (SM) increased its contribution to muscular stabilisation about the medial and lateral compartment by 23% and 30%, respectively. This computer simulation study demonstrated the muscles harvested for ACL reconstruction reduced their support of the tibiofemoral joint during sidestep cutting, while the SM may have the potential to partially offset these reductions. This suggests donor muscle impairment could be a factor that contributes to ipsilateral re-injury rates to the ACL following return to sport.

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