
We present the problem of approximating the time-evolution operatore−iH^tto errorϵ, where the HamiltonianH^=(⟨G|⊗I^)U^(|G⟩⊗I^)is the projection of a unitary oracleU^onto the state|G⟩created by another unitary oracle. Our algorithm solves this with a query complexityO(t+log⁡(1/ϵ))to both oracles that is optimal with respect to all parameters in both the asymptotic and non-asymptotic regime, and also with low overhead, using at most two additional ancilla qubits. This approach to Hamiltonian simulation subsumes important prior art considering Hamiltonians which ared-sparse or a linear combination of unitaries, leading to significant improvements in space and gate complexity, such as a quadratic speed-up for precision simulations. It also motivates useful new instances, such as whereH^is a density matrix. A key technical result is `qubitization', which uses the controlled version of these oracles to embed anyH^in an invariantSU(2)subspace. A large class of operator functions ofH^can then be computed with optimal query complexity, of whiche−iH^tis a special case.


  • Quantum computers were originally envisioned as machines for efficiently simulating quantum Hamiltonian dynamics

  • The cost of simulating the time-evolution operator e−iHt depends on several factors: the number of system qubits n, evolution time t, target error, and how information on the Hamiltonian His accessed by the quantum computer

  • Our general procedure for Hamiltonian simulation in Theorem 1 extends the scope of possible useful formulations of Hamiltonian simulation

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Quantum computers were originally envisioned as machines for efficiently simulating quantum Hamiltonian dynamics. The quantum signal processor exploits this structure to attack the often-considered problem of designing a quantum circuit Qthat queries Gand Usuch that in the standard-form, ( G|a ⊗ Is)Q(|G a ⊗ Is) = f [H ] for some target operator f [·] Though this is accomplished in prior art using the linear-combination-of-unitaries algorithm [25], that approach requires a case-by-case detailed analysis of f to obtain the L1 norm of its coefficients in a Taylor expansion, and has a success probability that decays with the inverse square of this norm. Our quantum signal processor computes f [H ] with no such restrictions and with an optimal query complexity that exactly matches polynomial lower bounds for a large class of functions We call this ‘quantum signal processing’, which generalizes our previous results [7] for d-sparse oracles to the standard-form and a larger class of functions. Though we focus on qubitization of Hermitian matrices in the body of this paper, we describe the extension to normal matrices in Appendix A

Overview of the Quantum Signal Processor
Linear Combination of Unitaries
Purified Density Matrix
Qubitization in a Quantum Signal Processor
Operator Function Design on a Quantum Signal Processor
Ancilla-Free Quantum Signal Processing
Single-Ancilla Quantum Signal Processing
Application to Hamiltonian Simulation
Developments after preprint release
A Qubitization of Normal Operators
Minimal example
B Practical Details for Implementing Hamiltonian Simulation
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