
We develop in a consistent manner the Ostrogradski–Hamilton framework for gonihedric string theory. The local action describing this model, being invariant under reparametrizations, depends on the modulus of the mean extrinsic curvature of the worldsheet swept out by the string, and thus we are confronted with a genuine second-order in derivatives field theory. In our geometric approach, we consider the embedding functions as the field variables and, even though the highly nonlinear dependence of the action on these variables, we are able to complete the classical analysis of the emerging constraints for which, after implementing a Dirac bracket, we are able to identify both the gauge transformations and the proper physical degrees of freedom of the model. The Ostrogradski–Hamilton framework is thus considerable robust as one may recover in a straightforward and consistent manner some existing results reported in the literature. Further, in consequence of our geometrical treatment, we are able to unambiguously recover as a by-product the Hamiltonian approach for a particular relativistic point-particle limit associated with the gonihedric string action, that is, a model linearly depending on the first Frenet–Serret curvature.

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