
Data loading with shallow quantum circuits is a highly desirable ingredient for efficient execution of many quantum algorithms before large-scale quantum error corrections with full fault tolerance become readily available. The need for efficient data loading is especially urgent for the study of quantum machine learning. In this work, we propose a protocol that only uses a parameterized shallow quantum circuit without ancilla qubits for loading data into the amplitude of a quantum state with high fidelity. We term this data-loading method Hamiltonian-based data loading (HDL), which comprises two stages. First, the HDL algorithm identifies a Hamiltonian $\stackrel{\ifmmode \hat{}\else \^{}\fi{}}{H}$ whose unique ground state $|\ensuremath{\psi}\ensuremath{\rangle}$ represents the normalized data $\stackrel{P\vec}{x}$ in the form of amplitude encoding. Next, the target state is reconstructed with a parameterized quantum circuit by utilizing methods like variational quantum eigensolver to minimize energy. In this work, we provide three convincing examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of HDL for loading an $N$-dimensional classical data with minimal quantum resources ($O[\mathrm{poly}({log}_{2}N)]$-depth quantum circuit without ancilla qubits). Our approach is particularly useful for quantum hardware without large-scale error corrections, and shall benefit the development of quantum machine learning algorithms.

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