
AbstractFor all integers n ≥ 5, it is shown that the graph obtained from the n‐cycle by joining vertices at distance 2 has a 2‐factorization is which one 2‐factor is a Hamilton cycle, and the other is isomorphic to any given 2‐regular graph of order n. This result is used to prove several results on 2‐factorizations of the complete graph Kn of order n. For example, it is shown that for all odd n ≥ 11, Kn has a 2‐factorization in which three of the 2‐factors are isomorphic to any three given 2‐regular graphs of order n, and the remaining 2‐factors are Hamilton cycles. For any two given 2‐regular graphs of even order n, the corresponding result is proved for the graph Kn ‐ I obtained from the complete graph by removing the edges of a 1‐factor. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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