
Because chloroform was identified as a potential carcinogen by the Food and Drug Administration, interest has been revived to identify an alternative solvent to soften gutta-percha for removal from obturated root canals. This study compared the effectiveness of halothane, eucalyptol, and chloroform in softening gutta-percha in simulated root canals. One milliliter of a solvent was placed into a small glass funnel whose stem was obturated with a 30-mm column of gutta-percha. After 30 s, softening was evaluated for each solvent by recording the time required to reach a depth of 10 mm by hand filing with a #100 Hedstrom file. The depth of penetration of a #40 finger plugger under constant weight for 15 min was also determined for each solvent. By using a one-way analysis of variance and Scheffe's test, all comparisons were not significant except for the depth of penetration with constant weight between chloroform and halothane (p less than 0.05). The results indicate that halothane and eucalyptol are suitable alternatives to chloroform as gutta-percha softening solvents.

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