
Halosia elisae gen et sp. nov. (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) is described from the Mediterranean Sea. It shows unique combinations of vegetative and reproductive features: vegetative axes are monosiphonous and uncorticated, sub-dichotomously but not distichously branched, and grow by transverse division of apical cells. Thalli monoecious with arcuate carpogonial branches borne on the basal cell of a fertile branchlet. Both the cell bearing the fertile branchlet and the first two cells of the fertile branchlet are shorter than the others. The carposporophyte is involucrate with 3–4 large carposporangia. Spermatangia 3–4 per cell, produced on 2–4-celled fertile branches. Tetrasporangia are clustered, borneon modified laterals, each one involucrate. The genus is included in the new tribe Halosieae within the subfamily Ceramioideae.

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