
Part I: Chemistry, usage and environmental contamination. 1. Production, properties and usage of polychlorinated biphenyls (P. de Voogt and U.A.Th. Brinkman) 2. Chemical properties, analytical methods and environmental levels of PCBs, PCTs, PCNs and PBBs (K. Ballschmiter, C. Rappe and H.R. Buser). 3. Chemical and physical properties, analytical methods, sources and environmental levels of halogenated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (C. Rappe and H.R. Buser). 4. Effects on fish and wildlife populations (M. Gilbertson). Part II: Toxicokinetics, in vitro tests, and animal toxicity. 5. Polyhalogenated aromatics: uptake, disposition and metabolism (S. Safe). 6. Acute and chronic toxicity and carcinogenesis in animals (E.E. McConnell). 7. Reproductive and developmental toxicity in animals (R.E. Morrissey and B.A. Schwetz). 8. Genetic toxicity (E. Zeiger). 9. Mechanism of action and structure-activity relationship for the chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and related compounds (J.A. Goldstein and S. Safe). 10. Immune alterations (J.G. Vos and M.I. Luster). Part III: Human exposure and health effects. 11. General population exposure to environmental concentrations of halogenated biphenyls (H.A. Anderson). 12. Background levels in humans (A.A. Jensen). 13. Yusho, with reference to Yu-Cheng (M. Kuratsune). 14. Yu-Cheng (W.J. Rogan). 15. PCB capacitor/transformer accidents (P.W. O'Keefe and R.M. Smith). 16. The Seveso accident: medical survey of a TCDD exposure (G.M. Reggiani). 17. Localized contamination with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin: the Missouri episode (R.E. Hoffman and P.A. Stehr-Green). 18. Occupational exposure (R.D. Kimbrough and P. Grandjean). Index.

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