
We measure how the properties of star-forming central galaxies correlate with large-scale environment, $\delta$, measured on $10$Mpc/h scales. We use group catalogs to isolate a robust sample of central galaxies with high purity and completeness. The properties we investigate are star formation rate (SFR), exponential disk scale length $R_{\rm exp}$, and Sersic index of the light profile, $n$. We find that, at all stellar masses, there is an inverse correlation between SFR and $\delta$, meaning that above-average star forming centrals live in underdense regions. For $n$ and $R_{\rm exp}$, there is no correlation with $\delta$ at $M_{\rm star}\lesssim 10^{10.5}$ $M_\odot$, but at higher masses there are positive correlations; a weak correlation with $R_{\rm exp}$ and a strong correlation with $n$. These data are evidence of assembly bias within the star-forming population. The results for SFR are consistent with a model in which SFR correlates with present-day halo accretion rate, $\dot{M}_h$. In this model, galaxies are assigned to halos using the abundance matching ansatz, which maps galaxy stellar mass onto halo mass. At fixed halo mass, SFR is assigned to galaxies using the same approach,but $\dot{M}_h$ is used to map onto SFR. The best-fit model requires some scatter in the $\dot{M}_h$-SFR relation. The $R_{\rm exp}$ and $n$ measurements are consistent with a model in which these quantities are correlated with the spin parameter of the halo, $\lambda$. Halo spin does not correlate with $\delta$ at low halo masses, but for higher mass halos, high-spin halos live in higher density environments at fixed $M_h$. Put together with the earlier installments of this series, these data demonstrate that quenching processes have limited correlation with halo formation history, but the growth of active galaxies, as well as other detailed properties, are influenced by the details of halo assembly.

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