
Experimental studies of the antiferromagnetic (AF) heavy fermion metal $\rm YbRh_2Si_2$ in a magnetic field $B$ indicate the presence of a jump in the Hall coefficient at a magnetic-field tuned quantum state in the zero temperature limit. This quantum state occurs at $B\geq B_{c0}$ and induces the jump even though the change of the magnetic field at $B=B_{c0}$ is infinitesimal. We investigate this by using the model of heavy electron liquid with the fermion condensate. Within this model the jump takes place when the magnetic field reaches the critical value $B_{c0}$ at which the ordering temperature $T_N(B=B_{c0})$ of the AF transition vanishes. We show that at $B\to B_{c0}$, this second order AF phase transition becomes the first order one, making the corresponding quantum and thermal critical fluctuations vanish at the jump. At $T\to0$ and $B=B_{c0}$, the Gr\"uneisen ratio as a function of temperature $T$ diverges. We demonstrate that both the divergence and the jump are determined by the specific low temperature behavior of the entropy $S(T)\propto S_0+a\sqrt{T}+bT$ with $S_0$, $a$ and $b$ are temperature independent constants.

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