
New and simpler methods of preparing solutions and salts of the UF 6 − and UCl 6 − complexes are given. The preparation of the previously unknown hexahalide complexes UBr 6 − and Ul 6 − and oxohalide complexes UOF 5 2−, UOCl 5 2−, and UOBr 5 2− is described. The chemical properties and stabilities of all of these complexes are discussed. The stability of uranium(V) toward disproportionation in several non-aqueous halide solutions is demonstrated. Absorption spectra of these uranium(V) hexahalide and oxohalide complexes in the regions of electron transfer transitions, internal 5 f electron transitions, metal-oxygen vibrational frequencies, and metal-halogen vibrational frequencies are presented. These spectra are interpreted and related to the observed chemical properties of uranium(V) in these halide complexes.

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