
AbstractTag-recapture programs to monitor the movements of fish populations are among some of the longest-running citizen-science datasets to date. Here, using half a century of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi, Carangidae) tag-recapture data collected through citizen-science projects, we report novel insights into population connectivity in Australia and New Zealand (NZ). Despite the importance of kingfish in commercial and recreational fisheries, substantial knowledge gaps about their stock structure and connectivity between jurisdictions hinder current management efforts. Between 1974 and 2022, 63,432 releases and 4636 recaptures (7.3%) of tagged kingfish were collected in Australia and NZ. Most tagged individuals (51.4%) were recaptured within 10 km of their original release location up to 14 years post-release (mean: 225 days), indicating some degree of site fidelity. However, 656 (14.2%) kingfish were recaptured over 100 km from their release location, with one fish travelling at least 2834 km in 702 days. Seasonal variability was evident for releases and recaptures, with more releases occurring in summer and autumn in most jurisdictions. Network analysis of recaptures revealed no connectivity between tagged kingfish from western and eastern Australia, supporting genetic delineation. By contrast, extensive connectivity exists across eastern Australia and NZ, with 87 kingfish moving between five Australian state jurisdictions, 316 individuals travelling across 15 bioregions and six kingfish moving between Australia and NZ. Our findings provide important new insights into the structure and connectivity of the eastern Australia kingfish stock and suggest increased collaboration between state and international fisheries jurisdictions may support improved stock assessment and management.

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