
Indonesia is well-known for having the world’s largest Muslim population. As a result, Indonesia has significant halal market potential. After forming the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics in the Indonesian Ulema Council, halal products became more widely known (LPPOM-MUI). Since then, public awareness and demand for Halal products have risen significantly, making Indonesia a lucrative market for halal businesses. In response to the rapid rise of the halal industry, a new curriculum has emerged in education to meet the difficulties of today’s industrial world. Halal entrepreneurship is a newly designed university program. This study was implemented to determine the curriculum management based on halal entrepreneurship at the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Sidoarjo. The result of this study can be reflected in the well-run and methodical planning, execution, and evaluation stages. The curriculum development team incorporates halal entrepreneurship into courses and teaches halal materials in halal food management, halal cosmetics, and halal supply chain management. At the end of each lecture, students participate in curriculum evaluation exercises used to improve the curriculum in the future.

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