
Halal certification in a food product is very important when viewed from the point of view of technological and scientific advances, this aims to protect Muslim consumers from non-halal food products circulating in Indonesia. The problem that occurs is the management of food products using raw materials in a product, it is possible that there may be a mixture of halal and non-halal compositions, whether intentional or unintentional, because this may occur in every community's daily life. The purpose of this research is to see how the form of legal protection for Muslim consumers in Indonesia. The research method used in this legal research is to use a normative approach using secondary data, namely data obtained from library research. The results of the study show that halal certification is a product in law to form consumer protection, especially for Muslim consumers, with the discovery of a halal certificate, the positive benefits and impacts obtained by consumers can ultimately provide security and comfort. Muslim consumers are very concerned about and consider the inclusion of halal certification in a food product before buying a food product in Indonesia so that the food is guaranteed to be halal. In addition, consumers must obtain legal protection, while for producers with halal certification for their products will greatly increase consumer trust and satisfaction with traded products so that the company's image and competitiveness will increase.

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