
Balitbang Kemenag RI ABSTRACT This word tried to describe the debate surrounding the concept of Islamic law as the law of God (divine law) and man-made laws (man-made law) as well. Studying this is important to bridge the depression of some Muslims who want to apply Islamic law in Indonesia. So far there has been no clear framework how Islamic law which is believed that come from God, so it’s sacred and must be applied in the context of a fully indonesian profane. Political and legal sistems that do not make Islam the sole source of inspiration to make intelligent Muslims,it should be well understood in the context of Islamic law such as this. Reinterpretation of the concept of Islamic law and placing proper position between divine law and man-made law would be an option offered by this word. Kata-kata Kunci : Hukum Islam, Divine Law, Man-Made Law

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