
The Fatwa (decision) of the National Sharia Council Number 7 of 2000 on Mudharabah asserts that shahibul maal are allowed to ask for guarantees from mudharibs. Article 16 paragraph (3) Law no. 28 of 2014 on Copyright has also stated that copyright can be used as an object of fiduciary guarantee. As a result of this provision, copyright can legally be used as an object of collateral. However, in terms of implementation in society, this cannot be done because it appears to be unfair and there is uncertainty in assessing value. Sharia principles prioritize justice and certainty in every aspect, of course this is in direct conflict with sharia principles. This research uses a normative juridical research method. The results of this research indicate that copyright as an object of fiduciary security in sharia banking cannot yet be used, because there is no institution that assesses the value of copyright, which results in the value of copyright being unclear. In other words, if this is implemented it will violate existing sharia principles

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