
Hairy roots of Brassica napus (rape cv. Giant) have been produced that contain the cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS) gene from Glycine max (soybean). Leaf explants were cocultivated with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4T harbouring the binary vector pLN16. This vector was constructed by inserting a soybean cytosolic GS cDNA into the multiple cloning site of pGA643, placing it under the control of the CaMV promoter. In addition, the T-DNA region of pLN16 contained a NPTII gene for selection of transformed cells. Transgenic hairy roots grew prolifically on hormone-free media containing a selective level of kanamycin. Southern and northern analyses confirmed the presence of soybean GS DNA and transcripts, respectively. These transformed hairy roots also have a greater abundance of the GS polypeptide, approximately 3-6 fold greater GS activity and lower levels of endogenous ammonia. Hairy roots provide a useful system for studying responses to phosphinothricin (PPT). Hairy roots grown in media containing PPT had lower GS activity, greater ammonia accumulation and slower growth than controls. The presence of the soybean GS gene in the hairy roots reduced these PPT-induced effects and resulted in higher GS activity, lower ammonia levels and faster growth than in PPT-treated controls. Greater tolerance of PPT was also seen in shoots regenerated from the hairy roots displaying elevated levels of GS activity.

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