
We show that the no-hair theorem for scalar-tensor theories with bimetric structure can be evaded. We find that hairy black hole solutions in the presence of an electric charge admit anti-de Sitter (AdS), flat or de Sitter asymptotics with spherical, flat, or hyperbolic base manifolds. Spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat black holes and asymptotically AdS configurations with any horizon topology are compatible with a regular scalar field on and outside the event horizon. The latter presents a rich thermodynamic behavior induced by the disformal factor that enters as a coupling parameter in the theory. In the grand canonical ensemble, there is an interplay of stability and first-order phase transitions between thermal AdS, the hairy black hole, and the Reissner-Nordstr\"om-AdS black hole, whose thermodynamic phase space resembles a solid-liquid-gas system, with an electric potential playing the role of pressure. In close analogy, there is a triple point where the three phases coexist, being equally probable.

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