
Two detection methods of hail embryons in a cloud are discussed in the paper: combined passive/active and purely active sensing of a convective cloud from board of air or space carrier. The first method makes it possible to determine the spectral dependence of absorption coefficient by oversized drops in convective cloud in the millimeter (MM) and submillimeter (SbMM) wavebands. With this purpose a highly sensitive 16-channel Dicke radiometer is used. In the second method a multiwave (12 wavelength) active radar is used to determine the spectral dependence of backscatter coefficient in the same wavebands. Variation of these spectral characteristics in time makes possible the detection of physical processes taking place in a cloud, such as drops drowth and evaporation, as well as transition of oversized drops into the overcooled state. The instant of water/ice phase transition in oversized drops is determined in both methods by means of active radar in SbMM waveband (in the transparency “window” of ice and atmosphere, 0.64 mm). Corresponding hardware, antennas, and wavelengths are considered for active/passive and purely active sensind of clouds. The effect of antenna beamwidth in SbMM on anomalous backscatter is discussed.

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