
We combine calculations of pebble accretion and accretion by large and giant impacts to quantify the effects of pebbles on the hafnium-tungsten system during Earth formation. Our models include an early pebble accretion phase lasting 4–6 Myr with a global magma ocean and core segregation, a 20–50 Myr phase of large impacts, and a late giant impact representing the Moon-forming event. We consider various mass additions during each accretion phase, vary the metal-silicate partition coefficient for tungsten over a wide range, and track Hf180, Hf182, W182 and W184 in proto-Earth and impactor models over time using standard chondritic values for these isotopes in the pebbles. We find that an early phase of pebble accretion is compatible with the tungsten anomaly of Earth's early mantle as well as the present-day Hf/W ratio, but under restricted conditions. In particular, the pebble mass of proto-Earth is limited to 0.7 Earth masses or less, the average metal-silicate partition coefficient for tungsten is 30–50, and because the metal-silicate equilibration efficiency for giant impacts is low, the equilibration efficiency must be high for the large impactors.

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