
While the main application of resistive switching structures currently targets non-volatile memories, increasing interest is being focused on their logic applications. Resistive switches are suitable for Boolean logic, neuromorphic computing and for implementation of Zadeh fuzzy logic. In this work, we analyzed implementation of the resistive switching structures for logic application based on Zadeh fuzzy logic. Resistive switching structures based on hafnium oxide and tantalum oxide were connected in an anti-serial configuration (complementary resistive switch). The complementary resistive switches integrated into logic circuit for Min-Max function implementation were analyzed using quasi-static voltage sweeps. We have shown that the accuracy of the Min/Max function determination depends on the ratio of the high and low resistivity states of the single switches. Determination of the Min/Max values is relevant only above the threshold voltage of the resistive structures. Reproducibility of the Min/Max function constructed from the resistive switching structures was evaluated. In addition, pulsed reconfiguration of complementary resistive switch using 100 ns long pulses was demonstrated.

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