
Introduction:Haemoptysis is uncommon in toddler. Lower respiratory tract infections and foreign body are among the common causes.Case Presentation:We are reporting a case of a child presented to emergency department with complaint of mild haemoptysis, whom was later found to have a piece of broken satay skewer at the tonsillar region. The foreign body was removed during the procedure without any complication.Discussion:Foreign body ingestion, particularly a piece of broken satay skewer, is difficult to suspect without a proper history and eyewitness. Therefore, parent’s supervision is important. Emergency residents should have a high index of suspicion of foreign body ingestion in a child with vague symptoms.Conclusion:Foreign body is among the commonest cause of haemoptysis in an afebrile toddler. Acute haemoptysis in otherwise healthy toddler should alert the emergency residents about foreign body ingestion. History of food intake should be more thorough even if trivial.

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