
Introduction: HB (Hematoma Block) is a commonly utilized technique all over the world to relieve discomfort during the management of DRF (Distal Radius Fractures). In this approach, 10ml to 15ml of 2 percent lignocaine, a topical anesthetic is utilized to reduce discomfort during the fracture reduction process. Materials & Methods: In this study, we recruited fifty individuals between January and December of 2023. Every patient had a distal radius extra-articular fracture that required percutaneous pinning or plaster casting. HB using 12 to 15 ml of 2% lignocaine was administered to the patients for hematomas at the fracture site. Using the Visual Analogue Scale method, the patient's pain distribution and severity were measured before, during, and after the decrease. Findings: Before the HB, the average VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) score was 9.5. Less than two hours after the surgery and during reduction, the average VAS score dropped to 2.5 (range between 0.5 to 3.5). A scale of 0 to 10 cm is used to define the VAS scoring system. Conclusion: We found that HB is a safe and efficient technique of anesthetic in DRF where manipulation or reduction is necessary for pinning or casting.

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