
The simultaneous description of the hadronic yields, pion, kaon and proton spectra, elliptic flows and femtoscopy scales in hydrokinetic model of A+A collisions is presented at different centralities for the top RHIC and LHC energies. The hydrokinetic model is used in its hybrid version that allows one to switch correctly to the UrQMD cascade at the isochronic hypersurface which separates the cascade stage and decaying hydrodynamic one. The results are compared with pure hybrid model where hydrody- namics and hadronic cascade are matching just at the non-space-like hypersurface of chemical freeze-out. The initial conditions are based on both Glauber- and KLN- Monte- Carlo simulations and results are compared. It seems that the observables, especially femtoscopy data, prefer the Glauber initial conditions. The modification of the particle number ratios caused, in particular, by the particle annihilations at the afterburn stage is analyzed. 1 Introduction and model description In this paper, we apply the hybrid hydrokinetic model (1) for the description of bulk matter dynamics in heavy ion collisions at top RHIC and 2.76 TeV LHC energies. The unique feature of the model is an advanced procedure of connection from hydrodynamic approach for hot and dense matter above chemical freezeout temperature to cascade model applied for rescatterings in the rarefied hadron gas. We start by discussing the ingredients of the model. In the present analysis we employ the two variants of initial conditions for the hydrodynamic stage of evolution: the Monte-Carlo Glauber (MC-Glauber) and MC-KLN models. In MC-Glauber (Monte-Carlo Glauber) model, one starts from sampling the individual nucleon po- sitions inside the nuclei according to an average nucleon density distribution. The nuclei are then arranged with a relative impact parameter b and projected onto the transverse plane. The collision cri- terion for a pair of nucleons in each event is based on the value of nucleon-nucleon cross-section σNN at the corresponding collision energy. The nucleon-nucleon collisions result in deposition of a certain amount of multiplicity (entropy) to different cells in transverse plane. The contributions to multiplicity (entropy) from the hard elementary collisions and from the soft ones are different, the former are proportional to the number of binary collisions while the later are associated with number of wounded


  • Introduction and model descriptionIn this paper, we apply the hybrid hydrokinetic model [1] for the description of bulk matter dynamics in heavy ion collisions at top RHIC and 2.76 TeV LHC energies

  • We start from the description of the top RHIC Au+Au data in hybrid hydrokinetic model (hHKM) model, which is shown in Fig. 1, and discussion of the model parameters

  • Since there are some discrepancies between STAR and PHENIX multiplicities, we choose initial conditions in the model to reproduce the STAR multiplicities, but compare the results with the spectra and HBT radii measured by both collaborations

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Introduction and model descriptionIn this paper, we apply the hybrid hydrokinetic model [1] for the description of bulk matter dynamics in heavy ion collisions at top RHIC and 2.76 TeV LHC energies. The simultaneous description of the hadronic yields, pion, kaon and proton spectra, elliptic flows and femtoscopy scales in hydrokinetic model of A+A collisions is presented at different centralities for the top RHIC and LHC energies.

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