
State Fatwa Committee of Perlis is one of fatwa (formal ruling) institutions in Malaysia. The committe is responsible in issuing any fatwa relating to Islamic affairs in Perlis. State Fatwa Committee of Perlis has its own speciality in terms of reference and source in issuing any fatwa. The Quran and hadith are made as the foundational sources in issuing fatwa compared to madhhabi approach practiced by another fatwa institution in Malaysia. This is based on the provision under Section 54 (1) of Perlis Islamic Administration Enactment 2006, which stated that the Quran and Hadis as the main sources in issuing fatwa by State Fatwa Committee of Perlis. A similar fatwa entitled “Keputusan Fatwa Mengenai Ahli Sunnah Wa al-jama’ah” (Issuance Fatwa related to Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah)” issued by State Fatwa Committee of Perlis also recognized hadith as the main reference and source to Perlis Fatwa Department. However, there is no detail explanation in the enactment as well as the above fatwa about the meaning of hadith and its application by State Fatwa Committee of Perlis. This study has been carried out in order to observe the interpretation of the ṣaḥīḥ, mursal and ḍa’īf hadith based on the State Fatwa Committee of Perlis’s perspective and practice. This study also highlights the method used by the State Fatwa Committee of Perlis in applying the hadith in issuance of a fatwa. In collecting data, this qualitative study employs the method of literature review and interview. To summarize the study, three types of hadith namely ṣaḥīḥ (including ḥasan), mursal and ḍa’īf were applied by State Fatwa Committee of Perlis. While the application of a hadith in the fatwa issuance process, the committee try to apply literal meaning of hadith ahead of other methods of interpretation.


  • Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis ditubuhkan pada tahun 1941

  • The Quran and hadith are made as the foundational sources in issuing fatwa compared to madhhabi approach practiced by another fatwa institution in Malaysia

  • A similar fatwa entitled “Keputusan Fatwa Mengenai Ahli Sunnah Wa al-jama’ah” (Issuance Fatwa related to Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah)” issued by State Fatwa Committee of Perlis recognized hadith as the main reference and source to Perlis Fatwa Department

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Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis adalah Jawatankuasa teknikal yang bersidang bagi menyelidik, berbincang, menghalusi serta mengistinbatkan dalil-dalil dari sumber-sumber perundangan syarak bagi memutuskan fatwa berkaitan hal ehwal Islam di negeri Perlis yang belum ada ketentuan hukumnya.[1]. Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis mula ditubuhkan secara rasmi pada tahun 1964. Antara fungsi Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis adalah sebagai penasihat kepada Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Perlis (MAIPs) dalam perkara berkaitan fatwa.[5]. Nama Jawatankuasa ini mula ditukarkan daripada Jawatankuasa Syar‘iyyah Negeri Perlis (JSNP) kepada Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis (JFNP) pada tahun 2006 melalui Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Negeri Perlis) 2006 yang menyebutkan:. Sejak ditubuhkan secara rasmi pada tahun 1964 sehingga kini, Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis berjalan seiring dengan peranan Mufti Kerajaan sebagai penasihat DYMM Raja Pemerintah sepertimana yang wujud di dalam seksyen 45 Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Negeri Perlis) 2006 dan peranan Jawatankuasa sebagai penasihat kepada MAIPs sepertimana yang wujud di dalam enakmen lama seksyen 8/1 Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam Perlis 1964. Peranan itu ialah bagi memastikan segala permasalahan yang timbul dan perlu kepada fatwa dapat diselesaikan dengan baik mengikut metode yang disepakati dengan mengambil kira perubahan keadaan semasa dan setempat.[7]

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