
Abstract Habitat selection by small (≤ 15.0 mm carapace length (CL)) and large (> 15.0 mm CL) individuals of the crayfish, Orconectes marchandi, O. ozarkae, O. punctimanus, and Cambarus hubbsi was examined at 4 sites in 2 streams in the Spring River watershed. Replicate quadrat samples were collected from riffle, run, pool, emergent vegetation, stream margin, and backwater habitats during the summers of 1998 and 1999. A 3-factor ANOVA was used to determine effects of habitat, species, and year on crayfish density for each site and stream. Habitat selection by crayfish was determined by comparing habitat used to habitat available for each species and size class. There were significant temporal differences in habitat used by some species-size classes of crayfish, but significant species by habitat interactions were detected at all sites for both crayfish size classes. Small O. ozarkae and O. punctimanus used mainly vegetated habitat, whereas both size classes of C. hubbsi used mainly riffles and runs. Large...

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