
The present study sought to identify the potential distribution range of critically endangered Gymnocladus assamicus in Arunachal Pradesh based on published data and field collection. We used the Maxent model to estimate the range of distribution and the result was then compared with three other models, i.e., the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), the Bioclim and the Random Forest model to assess the species' habitat suitability. A total of 23 different environmental variables were used, including bioclimatic ones, monthly minimum and maximum temperature, monthly precipitation and elevation data. The Maxent output listed 12 variables explaining 99.9% variation in the model. In comparison, Maxent showed the maximum region under habitat suitability criteria (1884.48 km2), followed by Random Forest (70.73 km2) and Bioclim (11.62 km2) model. Except for the Maxent model, suitable habitats predicted by other models are highly restricted within and across the study species' current distribution range. The average model prediction shows an expanded distribution range for the species up to Tawang which is the closest district of currently known distribution of the species in the state. Thus, the present study recognizes the importance of the geographic range of G. assamicus, a critically endangered species with very limited spatial distribution range and also provides some specific details to explore possible habitats for the species in new areas of potential occurrence in Arunachal Pradesh, India.

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