
Local patterns of adult distribution in organisms that disperse young as pelagic larvae can be determined at the time of recruitment through habitat selection or, shortly thereafter, through post-recruitment processes such as differential juvenile survivorship and interspecific competition. This study addresses the importance of habitat selection by recruits in establishing the local pattern of adult distribution in two sympatric Caribbean damselfish species, Stegastes dorsopunicans and S. planifrons. Both species inhabit shallow reefs but show little overlap in their distribution; S. dorsopunicans predominates in the reef crest and S. planifrons occurs primarily on the reef slope. Furthermore, S. dorsopunicans is associated with rocky substrate, while S. planifrons occupies live coral. The substrate cover follows a similar pattern with coral being much less common on the reef crest than on the reef slope. Monitoring recruitment every other day in reciprocal removal experiments and artificial reefs indicates that the observed pattern of local adult distribution is a product of habitat selection for both species. The presence or absence of conspecifics did not influence recruitment patterns for either species. Stegastes dorsopunicans recruited primarily to shallow, rocky areas, appearing to cue on both substratum type and depth. Stegastes planifrons recruited exclusively to coral substratum independent of depth. These results indicate that local adult patterns of distribution can be explained by habitat selection at recruitment, and that substrate type and depth may be important cues.

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