
ABSTRACT We examined associations between habitat variables and occurrence and density of alewife (Alosa pseudohareneus) and blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) early egg stages (unfertilized and newly fertilized) in a tributary of the Rappahannock River, Virginia from February to May 1992. We looked for temporal associations between tidal condition, time of day, light intensity, and temperature and peaks in egg densities. Occurrences of alewife early egg stages were positively related to dissolved oxygen (7–12 mg/l) and velocity (3–20 cm/s), and peak densities were positively associated with peaks in water temperature (within the range of 4–19°C). Occurrences of blueback herring early egg stages were positively related to water temperature (14–22°C). There was no correlation between occurrences of early eggs of either species and tidal condition.

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