
A study was conducted to describle the habitat preference of the Philippines tarsier in Loboc, Bohol. Description of habitat preference was based on species composition and density of the different layers of the stand, mean height, mean diameter and basal area including physical attributes such as aspect, slope and elevation. Three habitat variants of the Philippine tarsier were observed in Loboc, Bohol. The first variant was a relatively open thicket with many small-diameter trees and shrubs and dense undergrowths. The second variant was a thicket of tall grasses, many small diameter trees and dense undergrowths growing under a mahogany plantation. The third variant was a thicket of many small diamater trees and shrubs with less evident woody vines and dense undergrowths with limited exposure to direct sunlight and strong wind being situated along gullies. Preferred habitat of the Phlippine Tarsier are small diameter trees as roosting sites and dense undergrowth as a source of insects and small vertebrates which are preferred food of the animal. The presence of crevices, which are unique to the limestone environment, serve as "hiding places" to protect the animals from predators.

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