
In the Free State, two thirds of all actively feeding cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) were observed in open grassland habitats. If the birds that fed in association with hosts are considered separately, the dominance of grassland, especially short grass, is even higher. By contrast, cattle egrets that fed independently of hosts showed a clear preference for tall grass and edges of water body. Marked differences in habitat use between cattle egrets that fed in the presence or absence of hosts even occurred on a temporal basis during the course of the day. More than three quarters (78,6%) of all cattle egrets observed in the vicinity of the Soetdoring Nature Reserve fed within a radius of 15 km of the breeding colony. Depending on the time of the year, significant changes occurred in the general flight direction from and to the colony. Positive correlations were obtained between the outward and return flights, but not between the general flight direction and prevailing wind direction.


  • Habitat preference, feeding distance and flight direction of cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) in the central Free State

  • Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, Jaargang 26 No 3: September 2007 occurred in the general flight direction from and to the colony

  • Opvallende verskille in habitatsbenutting tussen vee-reiers wat in die teenwoordigheid of afwesigheid van gashere voed, kom selfs op ’n temporele basis gedurende die loop van die dag voor

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Ordino Kok

HENNIE BUTLER is lektor in die Departement Dierkunde en Entomologie aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, waar hy sedert 1989 eers as tegnikus en later as vakkundige beampte aangestel is. Sy navorsingsbelangstelling behels die gedrag van soogdiere en voëls. HENNIE BUTLER is lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University of the Free State, where he was appointed first as technician and later as professional officer. He acquired an MSc degree in 2004 and is currently busy with his doctorate. ORDINO KOK is professor in die Departement Dierkunde en Entomologie aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. As houer van ’n Fulbright-studiebeurs behaal hy sy doktorsgraad in Dierkunde in 1971 aan die Universiteit van Texas te Austin. He is the author or co-author of some 120 publications in national and international technical journals and made approximately 60 contributions at conferences, of which 15 abroad

Vliegrigtings en voedafstande
Voedafstande en vliegrigtings
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