
The savanna ecosystem is dominated by grasses, which are a key food source for many species of grazing animals. This relationship creates a diverse mosaic of habitats and contributes to the high grass species richness of savannas. However, how grazing interacts with environmental conditions in determining grass species richness and abundance in savannas is still insufficiently understood. In the Kruger National Park, South Africa, we recorded grass species and estimated their covers in 60 plots 50 × 50 m in size, accounting for varying proximity to water and different bedrocks. To achieve this, we located plots (i) near perennial rivers, near seasonal rivers, and on crests that are distant from all water sources and (ii) on nutrient-rich basaltic and nutrient-poor granitic bedrock. The presence and abundance of large herbivores were recorded by 60 camera traps located in the same plots. Grass cover was higher at crests and seasonal rivers than at perennial rivers and on basalts than on granites. The relationship between grass species richness and herbivore abundance or species richness was positive at crests, while that between grass species richness and herbivore species richness was negative at seasonal rivers. We found no support for controlling the dominance of grasses by herbivores in crests, but herbivore-induced microsite heterogeneity may account for high grass species richness there. In contrast, the decrease in grass species richness with herbivore species richness at seasonal rivers indicates that the strong grazing pressure over-rides the resistance of some species to grazing and trampling. We suggest that the relationships between grasses and herbivores may work in both directions, but the relationship is habitat-dependent, so that in less productive environments, the effect of herbivores on vegetation prevails, while in more productive environments along rivers the effect of vegetation and water supply on herbivores is more important.

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