
This paper examines about seagrass ecosystems as a habitat function of variety type of association biota. There are a lot of research about seagrass ecosystem in study area, including the seagrass itself, associated organism and also seagrass transplantation activities that have been carried out. Moreover, there have been research on anthropogenic disturbances towards the presence of seagrass ecosystems in Teluk Bakau Area. This is occur because the seagrass ecosystem in Teluk Bakau has habitat availability in accordance with various associated biota. The association biotas which found in seagrass habitats are generally from Megabenthos type which is very closely related to the presence of seagrassesas the habitat. From the 3 stations which have been taken based on the substrate heterogeneity, there found 6 species of seagrass such as Enhalus acoroides (Ea), Thalassia hemprichii (Th), Cymodocea serrulata (Cs), Cymodocea rotundata (Cr), Syringodium isoetifolium (Si), and Halophila ovalis (So), where these five types of seagrass are favourite food of Dugong. Besides, there also found meghabenthos type as the association biota which consists of molluscs, echinoderms and crustaceans types. At station 1, there found 20 species, station 2 found 13 species and station 3 found 9 species. Nutrient degree in the substrate also determines the presence of various species associated of seagrass habitats in Teluk Bakau. The average of nitrate degree is 3.65 ppm where include in the medium category. Furthermore, the average of phosphate degree in the substrate of seagrass habitats is 2.06 ppm which include in the low category. Despite of it’s important roles in shallow marine waters, not much credit was given to seagrass compared to coral reef and mangrove ecosystem. It was assessed indirectly in their role because of the existence of biota with economic values.

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