
Abstract. This study addresses the habitat and microhabitat of the seven species of gobiesocid fish in the Mediterranean Sea. It is shown that Lepadogaster lepadogaster is closely adapted to large pebbles and boulder fields of rounded stones with a smooth surface. L. candollei is more euryecious and, in addition to inhabiting boulder fields also, occurs close to seagrass meadows, in small cavities and in association with sea urchins. Diplecogaster bimaculata is also euryecious and extends to greater depths. It lives on sand and muddy bottoms as well as on coralline grounds. At some locations this species is found in high abundance during the spawning season under empty bivalve shells or flat stones. Apletodon dentatus is the rarest species of Gobiesocidae in the Mediterranean Sea. It has a close association with seagrass or large brown algae (Cystoseira). Juveniles of A. incognitus are either associated with sea urchins or inhabit Posidonia meadows. Adults prefer the vicinity of seagrass meadows under empty bivalve shells and stones overgrown with red algae. Gouania wildenowi is stenoecious and is restricted to the interstices of roundish coarse gravel near the waterline. Opeatogenys gracilis is also stenoecious and lives only on the leaves of Posidonia and Cymodocea seagrass. The colourations of the different species and their variations are described and discussed.

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