
</jats:p> </jats:abstract> <publication_date media_type='online'> <month>11</month> <day>14</day> <year>2023</year> </publication_date> <doi_data> <doi>10.60147/86158a6b</doi> <resource>https://pap.es/articulo/14002/ha-sido-un-placer-gracias-y-hasta-pronto</resource> </doi_data> </journal_article> <!-- ============== --><journal_article publication_type='full_text'> <titles><title>Reading promotion and its association with professional vocations and care settings </title><original_language_title>La promoción de la lectura y su relación con las vocaciones y entornos profesionales </original_language_title> </titles> <contributors> <person_name sequence='first' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Ana</given_name> <surname>Garach</surname> </person_name><person_name sequence='additional' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Iván</given_name> <surname>Gutiérrez </surname> </person_name><person_name sequence='additional' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Antonio</given_name> <surname>Molina</surname> </person_name><person_name sequence='additional' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Jesús L. </given_name> <surname>Megías</surname> </person_name></contributors> <jats:abstract xml:lang='en'> <jats:p>Introduction: healthy lifestyle promotion is a common practice among paediatricians. Reading promotion is included in that practice. It has numerous benefits for children: it stimulates brain activity and cognitive reserve, improves concentration and language development and helps develop emotional skills. The aim of our study was to assess the implementation of reading promotion activities in real-world paediatric care practice, as well as its association with the underlying vocation for paediatrics (clinical, preventive or social) and the care setting (residency programme, hospital and primary care). Material and methods: cross-sectional, descriptive study of national scope through an online survey of paediatrics residents and hospital-based and primary care paediatricians carried out in March 2022. Results: 326 paediatricians participated, of who 16.8% worked in hospitals, 69.8% in primary care and were 13.4% paediatrics residents. Of this total, 18.8% reported a vocation for preventive care, 60.8% for clinical work and 20.5% for social paediatrics. In addition to carrying a detailed descriptive analysis of the type of reading promotion activities carried out in Spain, we found, firstly, that the vocation for medical practice was associated to the frequency of reading promotion (χ2(2)=13.11; p<0.001), with a higher proportion of paediatricians with a social vocation reporting performance of these activities. Secondly, the care setting also seemed to be a determining factor for the performance of these activities (χ2(2)=19.0; p<0.001), which were conducted more frequently in the primary care setting. Conclusion: activities to promote reading are carried out mainly by primary care professionals within the framework of other health promotion work, and their performance was mainly associated with the greater proportion of primary care professionals with a vocation for social paediatrics.

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