
Remote sensing of CO(2) requires high-fidelity reference data of spectral line parameters to be successful. The 6360 cm(-1) region is commonly used by satellites, field campaigns, and point-source gas sensors because it contains well-characterized and relatively isolated transitions of appropriate line strengths for atmospheric applications. However, the presence of gases other than CO(2), N(2), and O(2) can be a source of uncertainty for atmospheric measurements. Near 6360 cm(-1), there are numerous H(2)O and HDO transitions. Water makes up approximately 1-4% of Earth's lower atmosphere and can interfere with remote sensing measurements by (1) appearing as a direct spectral interference or (2) acting as a foreign broadener for CO(2) lines. The primary goal of this work was to quantify H(2)O broadening of CO(2) through precision spectroscopy measurements on the R16e transition at 6359.967 cm(-1) and its two nearest neighbors. A secondary goal was to assess the accuracy of H(2)O reference line parameters in the HITRAN 2008 database for spectrally removing typical levels of moisture from air samples containing approximately 400 ppm of CO(2).

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