
ABSTRACT We present the second data release for the H i-MaNGA programme of H i follow-up observations for the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. This release contains measurements for 3669 unique galaxies, combining 2108 Green Bank Telescope observations with an updated crossmatch of the MaNGA sample with the ALFALFA survey. We combine these data with MaNGA spectroscopic measurements to examine relationships between H i-to-stellar mass ratio (${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$) and average ISM/star formation properties probed by optical emission lines. ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ is very weakly correlated with the equivalent width of H α, implying a loose connection between the instantaneous star formation rate and the H i reservoir, although the link between ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ and star formation strengthens when averaged even over only moderate time-scales (∼30 Myr). Galaxies with elevated H i depletion times have enhanced [O i]/H α and depressed H α surface brightness, consistent with more H i residing in a diffuse and/or shock-heated phase that is less capable of condensing into molecular clouds. Of all optical lines, ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ correlates most strongly with oxygen equivalent width, EW(O), which is likely a result of the existing correlation between ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ and gas-phase metallicity. Residuals in the ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$−EW(O) relation are again correlated with [O i]/H α and H α surface brightness, suggesting they are also driven by variations in the fraction of diffuse and/or shock-heated gas. We recover the strong anticorrelation between ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ and gas-phase metallicity seen in previous studies. We also find a relationship between ${\rm M_{H\, {\small I}}/{M_*}}$ and [O i]6302/H α, suggesting that higher fractions of diffuse and/or shock-heated gas are more prevalent in gas-rich galaxies.

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