
We describe data for emission-line B stars observed in a spectroscopic survey of h and χ Persei. The survey is complete to V = 12.5 and covers an area of ~1100 arcmin2 roughly centered on the two clusters. We detect 32 Be stars; some have low Hα emission strength. Seven of these are new identifications; seven others are confirmations of Be stars previously identified using photometry. Five of the observed Be stars show significant Hα profile variations from epoch to epoch. We show that spectral indices yield physical characteristics of the H II emission region. This automatic method is robust and easily applied to large spectroscopic samples. We infer Hα : Hβ flux ratios of 2–5 and observe a linear relationship between Hα emission and J-K color for these stars. We include a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for the B-type stars in the clusters.

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