
The histostructure of the muscle tissue of pigs is interrelated with the quantitative and qualitative indicators of meat productivity of animals. The quality of meat largely depends on the structure of muscle tissue, and this indicator is considered one of the breed characteristics. The ratio of muscle tissues in animals of different breeds, their crossbreeds and hybrids makes it possible to use these data as an additional criterion in assessing the quality of meat. Animals of different directions of productivity in the same age period give pork of different morphological composition and quality. Not only the amount of fat in the muscle tissue, but also the diffuseness of its distribution is important for the qualitative characteristics of meat. The aim of the work was to study the histological indicators of the longest back muscle of pigs of different performance directions during purebred breeding and crossbreeding. The results of studies of histological indicators of the longest back muscle of pigs of different productivity indicate the fundamental similarity of their structure. The differences come down to a different ratio between the connective tissue component of the muscle, adipose tissue and muscle fibers.

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