
Mustard and soybean are the most important edible oilseed crop of India. Oilseed crops like mustard and soybean in general have high sulphur requirement owing to higher seed and oil yield. Reports of sulphur (S) deficiency and consequent crop response, particularly in oilseed crops, are quite ostensible. Insufficient S can affect the yield and oil quality of oilseed crops. To overcome deficiency of S, gypsum is the cheapest and widely available source for correcting S deficiency and improving physico-chemical properties of the soil. Gypsum is a moderately soluble source of the essential plant nutrients, calcium and sulphur, and can improve overall plant growth. Gypsum also improves the physical and chemical properties of soils and reduces erosion losses of soils and nutrient concentrations (especially phosphorus) in surface water runoff. Gypsum in many studies are known to improve crop yield, which might be the result of synergistic effect of various parameters like crop, soil, climate and other parameters specific to a region. In oilseed crops, gypsum application is mostly confined to meet S requirements, but its effect on soil physical and chemical changes need to be evaluated for sustainable crop production.

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