
Gynecological Malignancy is the leading cancer in female not only in Nepal butworldwide. A retrospective study of histopathological specimens was conducted inBPKMCH Bharatpur from July 1999 to January 2001, duration of 19 months. Total321 cases of Gynecological Malignancy were diagnosed in Department of Pathologyof BPKMCH. Out of which 272(84.73%) cases of cancer of cervix; 17 cases (5.29%)of cancer of vulva; 14 cases (4.36%) of ovarian cancer, 12 cases (3.73%) of cancer ofvagina and 6 cases (1.86%) of endometrial cancer were detected. Cancer of cervixwas most common in 40-49 years age group followed by 50-59 years age group. Meanage of the patients with cancer of cervix was 50 years and 10 months; minimum of 29years and maximum of 76 years. Out of 272 cases of cancer of cervix, 266 (97.79%)were squamous cell carcinoma and rest 6 (2.20%) were adenocarcinoma. Commonesthistology in vulva and vagina was squamous cell carcinoma, whereas adenocarcinomawas commonest in endometrium and ovary. The higher incidence of gynecologicalmalignancies particularly carcinoma of cervix was observed in BPKMCH.Key Words: Cancer, Cervix, Vagina, Vulva, Ovary.

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