
A new species, Gymnopus fuscotramus, is described from China. It is characterized by brown-incarnate colors in pileus and lamellae, sulcate pileus, free and distant lamellae, floccose-squamulose, mostly black stipe, well-developed black rhizomorphs, repent and diverticulate pileipellis hyphae, abundant clamp connections, diverticulate to coralloid cheilocystidia, moderately thick-walled caulocystidia with obtuse apex, dextrinoid hyphae in cortex of stipe, and gray-brown pileal and hymenophoral trama. Color images of basidiomata and microscopic elements accompany the description. Gymnopus fuscotramus is compared with similar species and its systematic position is also inferred using the ITS rDNA sequence data.

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