
Abstract Gymnopilus is an agaricoid genus of mostly wood-rotting mushrooms, with ca. 200 species worldwide distributed, of which 23 of them are currently known in Brazil. In the Amazon region, Gymnopilus taxa correspond mostly to very old names described under Agaricus, later recombined into Gymnopilus, such as G. marasmioides, G. panurensis, G. psamminus, and G. trailii. Based on the examination of a well-annotated exsiccate at the INPA Herbarium, Gymnopilus ianthinilophus is described as a new species. It is characterized by the densely cespitose habit, squarrose pileus with blackish brown squamules, adnate to subdeccurent lamellae with decurrent tooth, violaceous brown stipe, weakly dextrinoid basidiospores 7.6-9.2 × 5.1-6.1 µm, interwoven pileus trama, lageniform with capitate or subcapitate apex cheilocystidia measuring 15.3-25.5 × 5.6-8.2 µm, and absence of pleurocystidia and caulocystidia. Description, photographs, illustrations of the new species, and discussion and comparison with morphologically similar taxa are provided.

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